Eliminate physical pain, emotional difficulties, relationship problems, and behavioral turmoil through this painless and straightforward method.
Throughout your life, you have filed traumas (negative memories and experiences) in your subconscious mind and stored them in your body without even knowing it. Over the years these have created behavioral patterns and energy blockages. Through redikall healing, you can painlessly and rapidly heal the effects of trauma and clear your energetic blockages which are most probably contributing to physical pain and dis-ease.
Once you clear your subconscious thoughts and clear your energy blockages you are able to access the clarity and infinite potential inside you. You no longer feel trapped by fear, uncertainty, guilt, self-doubt or physical pain. You feel enhanced motivation, creativity, clarity, and passion and most of all you feel great. That is when you can truly step back into your authenticity and power.
Chakra Healing
helps with
Chronic pain
Anxiety and Stress
Physical illness
Low energy levels
Reinvigorating inspiration and creativity
Benefits you can experience after even just one session
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Descripción del elemento
Descripción del elemento
Descripción del elemento
Descripción del elemento
Descripción del elemento
Descripción del elemento
The LINK between physical body and energy body
Even though it looks like we live in a physical world, we really don't. We live in an energetic world of vibrations. Everything you see vibrates at a specific frequency. if you look at it from a scientific perspective, an atom is made up of 0.1 % matter and 99.9999999% empty space. That empty space is not really empty, it is energy. Therefore, you can say that you are made of energy. Our health really comes down to the state of our energy.
How our energetic body works
The energy in and around these points moves in a circular motion, which is why it was given the name Chakra, that in Sanskrit means wheel. We have 7 major Chakras in our body and hundreds of minor ones. Each of these centers has its own frequency, its own consciousness, its own glands and its own hormones. It is also remarkable to point out that each chakra has a specific color, and our auras are very colorful.
There is an invisible, subtle field of energy called Aura that surrounds all life forms, much like a jelly mold that shapes us into a particular form. Just as a jelly mold can be damaged, so can our energetic field, causing us to lose our original shape, and fall victim to illnesses and imbalances. Our Aura is not evenly distributed, there are centers where energy is concentrated.
It is possible to capture the aura on film, here are a few examples.
How do our energetic bodies become unhealthy?
As souls, our natural state is loving, peaceful, balanced, and harmonious. Our energy centers are open and our Aura energy flows freely in and around our bodies. However, over the course of our lifetime, we experience traumas that create blocks in our energy field. When our energy is not flowing freely, we develop dis-ease in our physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
How can you heal your energetic body?
To bring the energetic body back to its original state of health where the energy freely flows in and out of the chakras we need to clear up any blockages. A good metaphor is a river. If the river is obstructed by branches, stones, and overall clutter, the water still flows but with a lot more resistance and difficulty. If the river is free of resistance, the water can flow freely and effortlessly. This is exactly what we do in a chakra healing session.