VIRTUAL Sound Baths

Every Sunday I hold a LIVE VIRTUAL sound bath to help you release the stress of the previous week and prepare your mind, body, and spirit for the coming week.

Having a weekly Sound Healing practice can really help you maintain your emotional balance, keep you grounded and centered, increase your energy levels, and improve mental clarity and productivity.

Private Sound Baths

A private Sound bath is a wonderful way to bring deep healing to a specific issue (physical or emotional). Depending on your situation, we design a custom journey.

A private Sound Bath is also a wonderful gift to someone you love or who needs to heal (whether it post an operation, a bone fracture, or a psychological need to relax).

You can also book a private sound bath for an event or a private gathering.

Corporate Sound Healing

Stress accounts for almost half of all working days lost. On average a person can lose 1 hour or more per day in productivity due to stress.

Sound Healings are a time-efficient way to improve well-being and performance in the workplace - improving clarity, productivity, and energy.

What is a sound bath like?

A Sound Bath usually lasts one hour and it is a deeply relaxing and immersive experience.

Guided by Cecilia’s angelic voice and the healing sounds of her Crystal Alchemy bowls, you'll soon find yourself floating into a state of deep relaxation as your tension and stress melt away.

Based on ancient healing techniques, the vibrations of the crystal bowls work on a cellular level to recalibrate the mind, body, and spirit. These healing frequencies stimulate alpha and theta brain wave frequencies, balance the hemispheres of the brain, and promote a sense of ease and inner peace.

In addition to relief from chronic pain and migraines, benefits of a Sound Bath include improved sleep, reduction of stress and anxiety, as well as a renewed sense of well-being, calm, and happiness.

Sound healing is the ability of sound to repair aspects of ourselves that are out of alignment (and need repair), as well as to restore us to spiritual wholeness. A Sound Bath is like a deep tissue massage for your mind, body, and spirit!

Sound Healing is one of the oldest forms of healing known to man.

Everything in this universe has its own frequency also known as resonance. This means that every organ, every bone, and every cell in your body vibrates at a specific frequency. Together they make up a composite frequency like the instruments of an orchestra. This composite frequency is your vibration and energy. When a portion of the body is vibrating out of ease and out of harmony, we call this condition “dis-ease.” Through sound healing, it is possible to bring the body back into harmony, avoiding the need for drugs or surgery.

Sound healing is the ability of sound to repair aspects of ourselves that are out of alignment (and need repair), as well as to restore us to spiritual wholeness.

Think of meditation as taking the stairs and sound healing as taking the elevator.


  • - Higher levels of energy

    - Relief from chronic tiredness

    - Relieve the sensation of shortness of breath or tightness in the chest

    - Lower cortisol, blood pressure, reduced heart rate, relaxed muscle tension, and reduced stress

    - Fewer headaches

    - Lessening of sensitivity to specific sounds

  • - Relief from anxiety

    - More confidence

    - Less frustration

    - Improved ability to relax

    - Improvement in overall “mood”

    - Improved patience

    - Better ability to communicate and interact with others

    - Improved ability to express emotions

  • - Brain “fog” dissipates

    - More motivated in life

    - Improved ability to listen to new ideas with an open mind

    - Better organization skills

    - Improvement in attention span

    - Less likely to become irritable

BENEFITS ON THE BODY: Sound is not just an energy that enters our ears and our brains, allowing us to experience the sensation of hearing; it also has the ability to go into our cellular structure and rearrange our molecules. Our body consists of more than 75% water and, as water is a great conductor, the vibrations move through the cells, blood, bones, flesh, and organs, relaxing them, removing any toxins, and harmonizing and energizing them. The vibrations help stimulate circulation to allow muscle relaxation and improve lymphatic flow. Just like you shower daily it is important to shower your energy body to remove blockages that could be weighing you down (emotionally and physically).

BENEFITS ON THE MIND: Sound baths also help to facilitate shifts in your brainwave state by using entrainment. Entrainment synchronizes your fluctuating brainwaves by providing a stable frequency to which the brainwave can attune to. Within minutes, you down-shift your normal beta state (normal waking consciousness) to alpha (relaxed consciousness) and even reach theta (meditative state) and delta (sleep; where internal healing can occur).

Everyone can benefit from sound healing even children and animals.


Your at-home Sound Healing studio for just £66/month. A carefully curated set of recorded sessions to help you relax and heal anytime and anyplace. Whether you are looking to improve sleep, to alleviate anxiety, to ground yourself, to recharge your auric field, or to simply work deeper in your emotional body, there is a session ready for you. Cecilia designed these sessions of different lengths so that you can listen to them any place and anytime: on a plane, at work, in your bathtub, going for a walk, etc.

Carry your healing nest wherever you go!

a sound healing memebrship

Feel free to contact me for any query.