Sound Healing

What is sound healing?

Sound healing is an ancient Indian method of deep relaxation that has the power to heal and restore your energy field and expand your consciousness.

You and everything around you are made of energy and vibrations. Similar to a musical instrument, your body can fall out of vibrational harmony and develop emotional discomforts such as anxiety, stress, fatigue, and even physical illness.

The vibrations from the singing bowls not only have the power to heal, relax and recharge your energy they also induce you into deep meditation.

Think of meditation like taking the stairs and sound healing like taking the elevator.

Benefits of Sound Healing

  • Physical

  • Emotional

  • Mental

  • aids Insomnia

  • alleviates stress

  • relaxes the mind

  • releases toxins

  • alleviates stress

  • improves focus

  • increases energy

  • enhances creativity

  • calms nervous system

What are singing bowls?

Singing Bowls are ancient traditional instruments native to India & Tibet. They used to be available only to monks in secluded monasteries of the Himalayan region which is why it is believed that the bowls carry the mystique of nirvana (Divine enlightenment) in their sacred vibrations. These bowls are traditionally made of a special seven metal alloy of gold, silver, iron, mercury, tin, copper, and lead. Each of the sacred metals is aligned with the seven heavenly bodies in our solar system and chakras of our body.

How are they healing?

Since our body consists of more than 70% water and water is a great conductor, the vibrations  (like the waves from a stone thrown into a pond) spread in concentric rings into larger and larger circles through the cells, blood, bones, flesh, and organs, relaxing them and at the same time harmonizing and energizing them.

The human body can be compared to an orchestra, where each organ, tissue, and cell is a different instrument. Each individual part has a different tone and has to be tuned to be able to play harmoniously. The singing bowl therapist functions as a music conductor harmonizing all the different organs. Just like you shower daily it is important to wash your energy body and remove any blockages that could be weighing you down.

Make it stand out.